Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson's Remarks

2022-01-07 08:25

The Global Times: Recently the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney and the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) co-hosted an online one-month countdown to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics themed “Beijing Winter Olympics: Together for a Shared Future”. AOC Chief Executive and Australian Chef de Mission said during the event that China’s preparations for the Games are absolutely amazing. The Australian team looks forward to attending the Olympic Winter Games in Beijing and experiencing the Chinese culture. They wish the Games a full success. Do you have any comment?

Wang Wenbin: Recently, the organizing committee for the Winter Olympics, the Olympic Committee and other relevant departments from China and Australia successfully held an event themed “Beijing Winter Olympics: Together for a Shared Future”, expressing their expectation and support for the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples and all sectors of society in both countries. 

We have noted that athletes and people from all walks of life in many countries have expressed their support and anticipation for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games are progressing in an orderly and efficient manner, and the results are there for all to see. We will uphold the spirit of peace, friendship and solidarity, continue to make high-standard preparations and service for the Games, and present a grand Olympic Games in Beijing to the world, and enhance mutual understanding and promote friendship among people of all countries.