Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson's Remarks

2022-01-08 09:21

Bloomberg: The defense and foreign ministers of the US and Japan met today and expressed concern about actions by China. They said they are resolved to work together to respond to “destabilizing” activities by China. Does the foreign ministry have a comment?

Wang Wenbin: We have noticed that the US, Japan and Australia pointed fingers at China’s internal affairs during their relevant talks and consultations yesterday and today. I want to stress that China’s position on the Taiwan question and issues related to the South and East China Sea, Xinjiang and Hong Kong are clear and consistent. We deplores and rejects the US, Japan and Australia’s gross interference in China’s internal affairs, fabrication of lies to smear China and sabotage of the solidarity and mutual trust among regional countries, and have made solemn representations with relevant countries.

To defend peace, stability and development in East Asia and the Asia-Pacific, we need to uphold true multilateralism, respect the open and inclusive framework of regional cooperation that was formed over the years, and embark on the path of solidarity, dialogue and cooperation. While professing “free, open, and inclusive”, the US, Japan and Australia are ganging up to form a clique targeting other countries in practice and flexing muscles for military intimidation. This runs counter to the trend of peace and development in the region, and contradicts their self-claimed “opposition to pressure and coercion”. The international community sees this very clearly.   

The current priority for the US, Japan and Australia should be earnestly fulfilling their due international responsibilities. We urge countries concerned to stop the AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation plan, stop advancing the discharge of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the Pacific, stop denying and whitewashing the history of militarist aggression and seeking the status of a military power by hyping up the situation of the neighborhood, and stop stoking division and confrontation between regional countries. They should be contributors to regional peace, stability and development, rather than troublemakers that spread lies and create obstacles.