Remarks by Mr Wang Xining, Chargé d’Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Australia at the Opening Ceremony of the 14th Australia-China Emerging Leaders Summit

January 15,2022
2022-01-17 09:51

Dear friends,

On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in Australia, I'd like to congratulate the 14th Australia-China Emerging Leading Summit hosted by Australia-China Youth Association. It is also my pleasure to share a few thoughts with you on this occasion.

We all share the same feeling that the world is changing.

Covid-19 has a significant impact on our life, challenging our conventional thinking on what a normal life means, how important health and medical service is to our society, whether we can deal with a universal crisis on our own, to what extent we shall let government intervene in our daily life, how we may improve response and governance to unexpected happenings.

We also feel El Nino in every corner of the world. In Glasgow last year, almost all countries in the world were committed to emission reduction and low-carbon development. So what shall we do to fit ourselves into the new mentality and the new form of life?

There are growing tensions around the world, such as potential conflicts between states in various forms, widened disparity between the rich and poor, divergent path and methodology to future development, quite polarized understanding of the balance between personal freedom and communal welfare, just to name a few.

At the same time, we see a big thrive in technology, such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, 3D print, bioscience, new materials, massive high-speed transportation, aerospace and maritime exploration, which if well applied could make human life more vibrant, intelligent, sustainable and harmonious.

Where is the key to unlocking a better future and shutting off potential crises and disasters?

The key is in your hand. The younger generation is the future of the world and the hope of mankind.

But it won’t be a free ride. You have to outperform and outsmart the older generations, because you will face challenges that are much more sophisticated and complex than we have met.

I know this is the scenario for the younger generation in China. Last year, we celebrated the centenary of the Communist Party of China and achieved the first centenary goal of development by building a well-off society and eliminating poverty. This year, we start a new journey towards the second centenary goal, that is to build a modernized socialist country by mid-century. This new journey is no less bumpy and daunting than the first one.

I believe the scenario is quite similar to the younger generation in Australia. The country needs to keep up with the pace of global development and retain its prominent status as a robust economy, advanced science and technology developer, an ideal habitat for humans and other species, a resilient community toward genuine multiculturalism and social integration.

Our two countries will share a bright future if our younger people work together as friends and partners.

We have been friends for over two centuries since the first presence of the Chinese on this continent. We have been partners for over fifty years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Commonwealth of Australia.

Our relationship and cooperation have benefited both countries and peoples, as well as other countries in the region and world.

I think it is your job, the mandate of your generation, to keep this momentum growing and lasting for another 50 years, or more.

It is not an easy job. As you know, our government-to-government relationship is not in good shape. Unfriendly words and actions were exchanged between state departments and administrations. There are wide-range and sometimes deep-set misunderstandings between each other.

A few so-called social elites manipulate public opinions to facilitate their pursuits of personal or parochial interest, segregating themselves from grassroots and commoners whom they might from the bottom of heart despise and despair. Interestingly, the major traditional media outlets have been monopolized by many septuagenarians and even octogenarians, who keep on preaching ideas both outdated and out of touch with reality.

But luckily, they are not able to dictate what you think and what you do.

I don’t want to dictate. I only wish to advise that the younger people be more receptive and inclusive, looking deeper into the history, broader around the world and keener about the truth. I hope there will be more communication and exchanges between Chinese and Australian young people, like what you’re doing today. Because I believe in the motto, “let the facts speak for themselves.” 

When everybody respects facts and proceeds with forging our relationship with a solid basis of facts, it’ll be a hundred percent guaranteed that we will benefit from our communication and collaboration.

The other motto I cherish is harmony based on diversity, solidarity based on integrity. When everybody respects the individuality and sometimes uniqueness of another person, community, culture or nation, and be true to the common values of the human civilization, we will surely harvest a peaceful and prosperous future and enjoy a wonderful and trouble-free world.

Once again, you are the key to the future. You are the hope of the world.

Thank you very much. And I wish the summit a great success.